How to Play 7 Card Stud Poker
Here at Pink Casino, our live casino offering includes some of the finest variations on the age-old game, including all the popular versions that you would expect from the finest casinos. Seven card stud poker is another common variation to find across live casino.
In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the game, including how to play seven card stud poker, the rules, and the poker hand rankings.
What is Seven Card Stud?
Seven card stud poker is a variant of the game in which players must make a five card hand from the seven that they have been dealt. It’s related to the similarly-named five card stud but has some differences due mostly to the inclusion of two extra cards.
When compared with other games outside of the stud group, it can be seen as a bit simpler as it follows a very particular set of steps, with players being dealt two face-down hole cards and one face-up door card after they have posted the ante. After that, there is a bring-in that is followed by the subsequent betting rounds as the final three face-up cards and one more face-down card are dealt.
What are the Rules of Seven Card Stud?
With the general structure of the game already covered, the best way to learn the seven-card stud poker rules is to break down each individual step and how to progress through it.
Ante betting: The very first step in the game is the ante, in which players put a fraction of the predefined small/big bet into the pot. They must do this for their cards to subsequently be dealt.
Cards dealt: Once all the players at the table have contributed their ante, the dealer can get started. They will, one by one, deal out two hole cards face down and one door card face up.
Bring-in betting: This is where the game begins in earnest. The player with the lowest-value door card will start the betting by posting the bring-in. This will usually be half the small bet - though they can match if they like.
First round of betting: That bring-in bet is what triggers the first round of betting that goes around the table. Going directly to the left of the bring-in, the players can call to match their bet or raise it. The betting sequence will continue around the table until everyone has had a chance to wager.
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Street: From this point, the “street” phase begins. This is where all players are dealt additional face-up cards that trigger subsequent rounds of betting. In this part of the game, the player with the highest value of two face-up cards begins the betting. They can choose whether or not to pay in. If they don’t want to bet, they can choose to check, which means the following player can also check. However, if a player matches or raises, the check is no longer in play. This is where players may begin to fold as they start to see their hands unfold. This happens until they have six cards in front of them.
The River: This is the final card that the players will be dealt. On this occasion, though, it is face down, much like the beginning hole cards. At this point, as in all previous rounds, players can choose to fold, check, call, or raise. However, that is only the case if two or more players remain in the game. If that is still the case, the game moves on to its final stage.
The Showdown: If there is more than one player sitting at the table, they must all overturn their cards, displaying their hole cards to the rest of the table for the first time. The player who can create the strongest hand in the ranking wins the game and takes home the pot.
Explain the Betting Rounds in Seven Card Stud
Ante Bet
This is the first bet that players make to buy into the game. This is before the cards are dealt.
Door Card
The door card is the round in which the player who has the lowest-value visible card starts the betting with the bring-in.
What are the Street Cards?
The street cards are the three subsequent face-up cards that are dealt to players. After each one is dealt, the player with the current highest-value hand starts the betting or chooses not to play that round.
What is the River in Seven Card Stud?
This card is the final one dealt and it will be given face down. This begins the final round of betting.
What Hands Can be Formed in Seven Card Stud?
As this is a game in which players are looking to form the best five card hand out of the seven that they’ve been dealt, all the standard hands that you would expect to see are there. The below list shows the hands in descending order from strongest to weakest.
- Royal Flush: A, Q, K, J, 10 (One suit)
- Straight Flush: Five cards in sequence (One suit)
- Four of a Kind: Four identical cards (All suits)
- Full House: Three identical cards, and two of any other same value (All suits)
- Flush: Five cards of the same suit - any order (One suit)
- Straight: Five cards in sequence (All suits)
- Three of a Kind: Three identical cards, and two of separate values (All suits)
- Two Pairs: Two sets of two identical cards, and one different (All suits)
- Pair: Just one set of two identical cards, and three of separate values (All suits)
- High Card: None of the above hands - the highest card determines its value
When a player folds, they turn all of their cards face down and forfeit from the game.
In seven card stud poker, you play against other players.